Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blue Shoe's

My human once read this book called "The number one lady's detective agency" by Alexander McCall Smith. One of the *many* passages that stuck with her was the story of the Blue Shoes. The book was about Mma Ramotswe and her adventures as a dective. Many of her escapades happend within the offices of the dectective agency with her secretary Mma Makutsi. Mma Makutsi cared about just a handful of things. She cared about her statistical standing when she graduated from school, she cared about her brother who was ill, she cared about proper office organization and she cared, about... shoes!
Now in Gaborone, capital of Botswana, times were different. Poverty seamed to be the norm and wealth was measured in land or cattle. There was very little time or purpose for extravegant purchases. Mma Makustsi did a lot of talking about the day that she would be able to buy a new pair of shoes, enough that it drove Mma Ramotswe to her witts ends.
One day while on a very important cases Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi were walking in the town pretending to window shop when Mma Makutsi got stopped by a pair of new blue shoes in the window. Mma Ramotswe had no time for this stop, she had no patiences, she had no interest, she had.... Mma Ramotswe after a few sharp words left Mma Makutsi standing there admiring the blue shoes and she continued down the street. The case took some other turn in the book and Mma was left with nothing to do but watch her business associate stand there and admire the shoes.
It was then that it dawned on her. It was this part that my human thought interesting. Everyone has their own "blue shoe" their own thing to admire, their on thing to show deep appreaciation for.
So she headed back to the window and stood their with her friend. For it was Mma Ramotswe's place to be in the moment it was Mma Makutsi's place to be in the moment. It made it easier, understandable that she did not have to admire the shoe, she meerly need to recognize that Mma Makutsi did!

It is that chapter that my human frequently remembers. And whenever she gets irritated with her friends or family gaking over something she just says "blue shoe" "blue shoe". And it reminds her to be patient when others have their moment as so many are patient with her. She gives me my moments too.

For example, today my Mom went to a tatto supply shop to get stuff for work. She is a cosmetic and medical tattooist. And I couldn't go. :-) It is her thing, her blue shoe, she loves it there and she thougth of me while she was gone and brought be home a funny t-shirt. (Check out my twitter or facebook for that picture!) but I didn't go and as much as I appreacaited the shirt well it's not dog park. And she understands this for today after the tattoo shop she came home and picked me up and we went to the feed store! Anaheim Grain and Feed, I love this store! They have dogs go there all the time and it smells so good! And the people are friendly and all know my name! And you get treats and you get to go in the back and sniff stuff! It is my Blue Shoe!

She didn't need to buy anything and she didn't need to go. But she understood I did. 30 minutes of not healing, just free range nose sniffing... It's a blue-tiful thing!

****Just because you take your dog everywhere with you or you come home with bones or treats in hands. Doesn't mean I got to do my thing. Please just file this as knowledge and whenever possible give your dog a blue shoe. No matter what it looks like.****

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