Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Listen Up

I just want to be famous. I want people to know me, notice me. I want to have more recognition then I already do. I want to be famous.

I don't want to be a movie star. I don't want to walk up and not be able to walk around dog park. But I want to be a star! I don't want to do paw prints at signings or stand in the light on a red carpet. But I want them to say there she is!

I want to be famous. I want to be famous so I can have a louder voice and people who listen. As I climb the tree of recognition I have met humans with hearts as big as dog! Some save, some teach, some humor. Some help, some assist, some ride! If I were famous more people would hear. I love to sing a song of praise and I have so many wonderful friends to sing about. I want to be famous.

No one told me that is what fame was. No one told me that fortune was in the presentation of others. No one showed me that recognition gave you the ability to introduce. I love it!

I am good at it.. I am proud to do it. And I want to be famous!

A moment in self absorption.

Emma Zen

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