Monday, March 22, 2010

This might raize some fur?

::::::::Disclaimer:::::::: If someone asks you to remove a picture from a web social network, you do it! No if's, no and's, no buts. Anything you take a picture of you must have the legal right to print. So the same is said for text and logos. Be aware of copyright and moral practises. It is never, on our own sites, our intent to validate any of your rights. And asking something to be changed, moved or explained doesn't hurt our feelings. It makes us proud that our friends are this responsible! This post was written out of a concern that someone could have been worried about how they looked. If that is not true, how relieving. If it is, read on. This blog is written to let you humans know how much differently we see things as dogs. And I understand that other humans may not have my point of view. But in this human act, I see nothing wrong. ::::::::

There are some topics that people don't want to talk about. I have heard it said that religion and politics are touchy subjects. There are some topics in which people don't want your option. I have heard many a Mother telling their Mother how not to advise them about Motherhood! (yikes, did that make sense?) Well we think we have discovered one more, doggie discipline.

Pictures, stories and real life encounters with humans disciplining their dogs and the owner is the one whose fur gets all ruffed up. Here what I think is happening. I think humans have a natural response to judgement of others. I think humans do care what other think so they alter or choose subjects, stories and more to spin the good their way. I also think you humans are looking at it all wrong. (I am aloud to have my own opinion you know.)

Let me use my own human as an example. What if some saw her jerking on my collar and out of context thought, "oh that poor dog" or "I hate people who treat their dogs that way." Well, when I am in training my Mom makes the short firm jerks to grab my attention. Yep, she does that. And what about my best trick, staying in my front yard without a leash? How did I learn that trick? Well, my human rolled up newspaper in a long pointy tube shape and she taped the bottom of it so it wouldn't come apart and every time I went to far she cracked that thing on the ground or a tree or the flowerbed. It makes an awful sound I tell you, an awful sound. Yet if you were the guy in the Lexus that drove by and saw her raising that thing in the air, you may have looked at her like he did and thought something totally different.

Humans are sensitive and that is a great thing. That's why we love you so much. But don't be concerned with a correction on film. I have a friend who has a talkative dog. But sometimes when her dog gets to hyper she tells her not to bark so much and she holds her muzzle. My Mom and I are proud of our friend. You see, she is paying attention to her pack. She is presenting a boundary for escalation and keeping us canines within those markers. She is showing us who is boss and humanly and correctly giving a correction. If a picture looks different just explain. For I feel that you are doing exactly what we need and it is only the fur of the unknowing that raises on this subject.

One who knows her pecking order.


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