Friday, March 19, 2010

Being as wolf was

Today my day was no different than any other day. My human and I ran errands, we played with my toys together. I helped her separate the fighting tortoise in the backyard. I took a nap. Mom came over and gave me a kiss. Dad gave me a hip rub. (Those are the best)It was a day like any other day, for me.

What was interesting is that today my humans had no electricity for over eight hours. They were having something done to our home.? There was no TV for them to watch. There was no computer. There were no distractions.

For me today was no different then any other day. Though I have to admit, I know I am fortunate. But if you had no electricity, if you lived as they did when dogs were wolves. Would you treat your canine different? Would you have time to pay more attention to them? To your family?

When the power returned and the TV and the Internet and the distractions reappear, my humans and I left the house to have dinner with friends. It was a day like any other day, for me.

But it made me think of this perspective I would like to share. When your day goes your way and you head off to work, or deal with other humans, or get on the computer or watch TV. You think your dog is okay because he is (or is not) doing what is normal for him or her. Maybe your dog is laying there with you on the floor. Then you go to the TV and the dog follows and is laying there with you on the floor. Once again, perspective, you see for us it is like there is no electricity, everyday! We don't go to work (okay so most of us don't) We don't watch TV or Internet (on a regular bases) LOL For us, as I said, it is like living without electricity.

So, turn yours off. See what you'd do. How fast did you get bored? What did you revert too to keep yourself occupied? Remember the days when people gardened, read books and kissed their dogs!

Today was no different then any other day for me. But would it have been different for you?

Emma Zen

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