I live on a street that gets the same traffic everyday. It's a little group of houses with one way in and one way out so there doesn't seem to be a lot of unaccounted for passer-by's. Yesterday I was sitting out in the front yard, off leash, all by myself as I usually do. And even though I look like I am in my own world my over protective Mother is typically in the office, a room where she can see me but I can't necessarily see her.
Well, yesterday this pickup truck stopped right after it passed me and a big strapping 40 something male got out and look right at me and then sort of acted like he was checking his tires. The truck was newer and looked to me as if it were at age to be mechanical trouble. My Mother came flying out of the house like her hair was on fire! She saw me, the good dog who hadn't moved an inch, and the white truck (I know the picture is black.) The bed of truck sported 3 in poor shape dog crates and looked messy. Mom took out her phone and walked into the middle of the yard as if she didn't care at all what he thought and took a picture of the vehicle, the man and the plate! He didn't even say anything "how weird" Mom that was. Then he got back into the drivers seat, reeves his perfectly good engine as if to check it out and put it in gear and left... We have never seen this truck before and I hope he doesn't come back. Mom can be scary!
I heard about a famous dog last year that got dog-napped for ransom it was out here in Southern Ca that such a thing did happen! And how often are lose dogs picked up by people who just want to sell a soul to make a buck? This is just a reminder that just because you can be off leash doesn't mean you should be by yourself! Just a reminder of safety and well-being. How many times has someone told you not to go hike alone or not to talk to strangers or... you know the list goes on and on and sometimes humans get complacent or comfortable. The basics are still the basics! Be aware, weirder things have happened.
Emma Zen
I'm glad everything turned out okay this time! Keep an eye for that weirdo!