Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bird Dog

Today, i say TODAY, I became a bird dog! I spotted them, the flock of 8 to 10, just hanging out around the waters edge. I was with a group of children. (My favorite place to be.) and I couldn't even be in my own fur. All I saw were birds!

For some reason she'll never understand Mom reached over and unhooked me and gave the command to run, "Go Emma Go!" and GO I did...! Me, Emma Zen the big lazy dog I took off like a skinny mini bird chasing fool. I ran those feather things right off their wave and to the right the flew off and landed.

My first run, it was good. It was instinctive. It was successful! Scared a feather off one! I hunkered down and with the concentration of sharp shooter and off I took again, cheeta style, front paws touching rear paws with just the show stopper of strides!

Success Success and off they flew again!

It was a marvelous evening at the beach. I found myself. I found pride. I was bird dog!

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The night went on and the humans made dinner and talked and laughed around a time for awhile. They told stories of children, funnys at work and shared a laugh about some dance. I also heard them tell the story of my evening. I thought it would be a grand story. A story full of certainly and self assurances. I thought they'd tell the story of the grand ol' bird dog!

Their version was short.

Their version was different.

Their version wasn't very good..

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Funny how we all see things different. What we do verse what they saw. I guess I should keep this in mind so if I ever hear my humans say I did something "so so" I know I really did something really grand!!

BOL Emma Zen The Bird Dog!

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