Emma Zen's Network ?!.
So I heard Oprah is starting her OWN network and there was plug on TV about casting your idea for your "own" show. Well, no one asked me and I, I have an idea. It may not be grand and spectacular. It may or may not be film interesting. But it is the grandest of all ideas! It is an idea that can change your being, an idea that can change your life, ideas that are contaigous and effects the daily well-being of others. An idea that is a do-able action. There's the word, I propose ACTION.
There are NO excuses, no reason for delay, no reason for lack of effort, no reason to not try. I am one of the worlds laziest dogs and I have accomplished so much. If I can do it, so can you!
Oprah has become a peak of this industry, of my idea. She has the means to make a difference on such a grand scale that sometimes I think humans would rather sit and watch then try to do something that would pale in comparison. But collectively we are a much bigger wave.
So for this New Year 2011 I am asking all we know to "Do Something". To "Take Action". You maybe one of those people with influence? More power to you. You may think you have nothing to offer? SMILE! (Those are extremely contaigous!) Let the elderly in your neighborh talk to you for a minute instead of rushing by them. "DO" the smallest action!!! Help. Lend a hand. Be patient. Listen. Sit on someone's lap! People seem to love it when I do that one!
You may be young and think it all about you and that this doesn't apply? Are you kidding? Youth makes up such scale of humanity, you are an ocean! You may know or feel exactly what I am talking about. If so then you know you can make a difference, so just do it. NO EXCUSES, it is so EZ! to do!!
"I would like more average people to know they can make a difference."
Emma Zen
Great idea, Emma! We'll put it into action!