Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One foot in front of the other

Keep on trucking. One day at a time. Baby Steps. Just try.

Things you hear over and over whenever you run into a rock and a hard spot. Excuse, good excuse and poor ones, all used a reasoning to validate why you did or didn't do something.

It's priorities, that will say what you pay more attention to. It's the one with the priority status that you care the most about.

I said I was going to write something everyday for a year and tonight I almost forgot. TV and kicking it in the hall were more important.

Doesn't mean that you can't skip. But admit to it. Know "why" you skipped something, failed something, didn't do something. You may feel the urge to hide in the face of others but why lie to yourself?

Persistence's, Little Steps, One moment a time, I just do it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Inner Linus (A plea from a dog)

This weekend I heard about an organization who collects unwanted blankets from humans and gives them out for free to the doggies and other animal who have found themselves in shelter.

I have already done my due to advocate for this charity, which included posting it all over facebook, twitter and myspace. I think my human is even going to add it to my website. A good deeds, needs recognition.

This post however is meant to say "Thank You" to those that support such services and is let those humans who may not understand how important such simple things in life are even to me, a dog.

A Blanket, my kingdom for a blanket. I have my own blanket now or shall I say, I have my own blanket(s)! I know them to be my place verse mine. I know them to be comfort verse comfortable. I know them to be safe verse safety. A blanket is so much more then warmth. The minute you get your own blanket you get your own stability! You get your own balance! You get your own dogness!

I know I am blessed and fortunate but so many are not. I remember that despair, that sorrow, that loneliness. Please support causes that help others or take a blanket to your nearest animal shelter. The difference is life with compassion or life with none. A life worse then death.

Human efforts make ALL differences, your the only one who can.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Dirt on Dogs

In the following of yesterdays post, enough is enough, I still lay here... still. Unattended to and left alone. Sleeping away in the dirt because to me, a dog, I find it cool, refreshing, quite, and of my nature. No one made me go anywhere. No one woke me up. No one bothered me at all. It has been a sleepy, boring, perfect beautiful day!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Enough is Enough

Sky diving, Dog events, Dog Movies, Dog Walks, Visits, Play Time, Bath Time, Get in the car, get out of the car, get dressed, eat now, eat later, say hello to..., say goodbye to..., Sit, Stay, Stop, Down, Okay.

Left, Right, Up, Down... Enough is Enough!

I do not know if you are one of these dogs. But does your human take you EVERYWHERE? Are you going to the store, going to Grandmas, going to the dog park, going to the beach, going down the street? Are you just... Always going?

I do not know how many of you are out there but I can't be the only one. But if your human is reading this for you I have something to say, "Leave me alone!" :-) I mean, goodness I am a dog, a dog sleeps a lot. In fact according to Sleep and Dreams in Dogs and Cats: Under controlled laboratory conditions both cats and dogs sleep about 13 hours per day but they wake up more frequently than people do.
According to Planet Dog: • Adult dogs spend approximately half their life sleeping, typically 12 hours a day.• Some breeds need more sleep than others – as much as 18 hours per day! (typically larger breeds).

In other words, even though this may only apply to the 1 percenters of this world, if you are doing or over doing PLEASE give me a rest. A day to myself to sleep. To you it may seam like I am doing nothing but believe me... Sleeping all day can be heaven!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Reel Dog

What a weekend! Skydiving, Pet Trek's, Wiggle Waggles and the movies! Yes, tonight I get to participate in one of life's lost greatest moments. The car is filled with ice chest and blankets, jackets and snacks, chairs and toys. We will be meeting my Dad, GrandMEM, Granny and Friend at a park. One person is bring soda's the other is bringing chicken dinner! My favorite! And we are going to have a picnic in the park while a dog movie plays on an outdoor big screen!!!

When was the last time you had a picnic? When was the last time you layed on the ground and looked up at the stars? When did you just sit and watch the ocean, the garden, the world. When did you last stop? Being a dog, I do stuff like that pretty frequently and I will let you in on a secret. You humans always seam to NOT have enought time busy running around like crazy. I think it is you, who chases your own tail. But anyhow, my secret, "If you want more hours in your day, S L O W D O W N. I know it sounds funny but try it. See how fast you can waste 5 minutes doing something, doing anything, and the see how long five minutes is when you do nothing.

It's a lesson best taught by a dog. Try it. Sit. Stay. Be a real dog!

Emma Zen

Friday, September 25, 2009

Falling from the Sky

Tonight we are going to watch skydivers do a world record attempt. Even in the mist of their fun and their triumphs I notice they are still bound to one of the laws of nature, gravity! Notice: Even when you think you are having fun and being totally out of control, you are still following rules.

Change your perception if you need to, see a rule or a law as natural, part of being. Accept that which is our nature and work within those elements to be and do anything you want or need.

I have watched humans' who fight their every move. Learn to swim with the current and it will be easier to point in a new direction and you'll have the power of the wave pushing behind you! Learn and minimize your fears. Tell someone what to do, not how to do it, and then be amazed by their determination and resourcefulness to accomplish the goals. Don't pull on my leash and cause me to pull back. Correct my behavior, tell me my boundaries and the watch me learn how to behave inside them.

And lets all face it, without limitations including the basic laws of nature, we are just: falling from the sky...

A very insightful feeling dog.
Emma Zen

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dog Star

It's not what you think. Actually it's a constellation and the comment name for Sirius, also a star. My humans have a telescope and we all belong to the Orange County Astronomers Association. It is amazing. There is so much we don't know. So much we can see. So much we can't imagine. Sort of puts into prospective our lives.

If ever you feel overwhelmed. If ever you feel angry. If ever you feel attacked. If ever you feel a victim of unfair game. If ever you feel sorry for yourself. Look up. It's all so insignificant. We are all so little, so minute. We are all here for such a short time, live healthy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Life and Death

I am a biker dog and following in the footsteps of many bikers before me, I offer a paw in hopes that I can be of some assistance.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Life and Death, how much ying verses yang can you ask for? How can one thing have opposite sides of the coin be true and poignant at the same time? How can such pain be associated with such happiness?

Happiness? I though this blog was titled, "Life and Death." Where is the happiness in that? Well my friend you are not looking at it from my point of view.

If you are a human who has lost a dog, or any other close pet, you know the pain, you understand the pain, the pain you can relate too. I do not need to fill you in on that. But you don't understand the happiness, you don't feel the gratitude, you can not connect to it in any way. I am here to share from the canine point of view.

I am still alive but I know what my life is like. Since the day my human came into my life, my life has been grand. I am loved. I am healthy. I get blankets, pillows and beds. I have had toys, treats and special dinners. I get taken to the park, vacation and grandmas. I am SO accepted and I am not human. I am SO appreciated. I am SO loved. My human, just like you, treats me with love and respect every single day. And we it is my time to go, I will not have known hunger at her hands. I will not have known abuse. I will not have known loneliness. I will not have known abandonment. We, the dogs and pets of people who love and treat us with respect, we are the fortunate ones. We have the ability to live a charmed life, a healthy life, a desired life, a happy life.

And even thought it may be one of your most difficult moments in your life. I want you to know that all I associate my life with, is happiness!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- ---

A friend of my Mom's has a dog who passed away this week. It made my Mom and I cry. Our lives are so much shorter than that of the human existence and it is almost certain that you will probably see us go before you. As hard emotionally as it is, know that it is okay to feel the pain. As long as hear me when I say, "We all thank you, all of us animals of humans who care, we all thank you. We were happy and were want you to know that.."

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With Compassion, Emma Zen & her Human.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Much like a human

Well it happened again. Today I set off to do something for myself and it turned out to be for everyone else. From therapy work this morning at the senior center, to the acceptance of an invitation. (Something someone needs to do with a dog.) To asking people over but because they need a friend more and I could be one at that time.

See I had a great day, a full day, a happy day and a healthy day.

Recognize what in your day you may have done for someone else and then make sure you do it again tomorrow. If we all give help, we all recieve help.

It works for humans too.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nothing to Say

Ever have one of those moments (days) when you just don't have anything to say? Well on those days, say nothing!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thank You

When is that last time you said thank you to someone? I mean just said "thank you." Not, thank for .... (naming whatever it was you received), just "thank you."

When is the last time you meant thank you, as in, an actually sign of appreciation. Appreciation for the actions of another? When is the last time your thank you was about another, not yourself?

Whenever you say thank you for this or thank you for that, aren't you sort of stroking your own back? If you just tell the person you are address thank you, and you haven't included your own excitement, enjoyment or gain. Then it is truly a thank you and the focus is about them. Isn't that what "thank you" is suppose to be about anyways?

Funny thing, as this was being written with the idea in mind of saying to Dave from I like Vinyl, "Thank you." We received a text message from someone who is on her way here and when she arrives my human will keep her mouth shut and just say to her also, simple "thank you".

We all want to talk about ourselves. But sometimes the message is clearer when we don't say much at all.

So when I am passing down the hall or come into the room you are in and I rub against you and then walk away. Don't say: funny dog, or strange dog, or unsociable. Maybe it is my way of just passing by for a few seconds to say nothing more then "thank you!"

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I was going to be cleaver and write about balance. And then I decided to just remind us all to have some in our lives.

Emma Zen

Friday, September 18, 2009


Tonight it is late but a daily post needs a daily post. And that is exactly what today's blog is about. Knowing what is what. My humans still deals with maintaining her fences and staying on her side of them. While I have 502 hits on my new you tube video.
Now I know to you it sounds like I jumped from one subject to another. But I did not. 502, It is a memory for my human, 502 represents something else to her. It has meaning to my human that originated from something in her past.
And that is why people jump fences. Because they seam to have 502 excuses for their actions.
So, stick your convection's, and don't let what others say change your opinion of yourself or your actions. And retrain your thinking, even if you have to fake it until you make it... Say "502 are video hits, 502 are video hits, 502 are video hits" (or whatever your trouble is, rename it.) Someday someone will ask you for 502 something and you'll say, "what? videos...)
I guess I am sensitive to that which my humans needs so that is why I write of a human emotion today.
If you need a lesson from a dog, well sorry, in this case we are much like you. I was at dog park today and I chased two dogs trying to play with them. I thought each of them looked like (so they must have been) old friends of mine. Then I got up their and took a sniff and found out I was wrong. I spent the rest of the night playing with them saying "new friend, new friend"
So you are not weird or alone or different. We are all the same. We can all learn. We can all change.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fences and Borders

I do not wish to post a purpose for today as much as I would like to point out an interesting fact.

My human was dealing with boundaries the last couple of days. I have witnessed that for humans, sometimes sticking to your boundries is not easy to do, especially if and when it hurts others. That is the hard part for you humans and especially hard when you are one of those people who would never do that kind of thing naturally. It is one of those things humans aren't good at. Humans let emotions make many choices for them and in that process I have seen them having to jump over their own boundaries.

That does not make sense.

My human is healthy and at least recognizes that this can be the case. Sets her boundaries and doesn't allow herself to fall victim of an emotional game. She is very healthy.

But I am a dog and I can tell if 1% of you is torn. So I pointed out a funny that made her laugh and today I am sharing it with you as my interesting fact of the day.

Stick to your guns humans, because when their are no boarders the only thing on other side of the proverbial fences are turkeys!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Simple is Best

Today I went with my human and followed along and was a dog. I played with a new friend and behaved at lunch, the shopping mall and Starbucks.
Then I came home and my purpose was clear. See my human got up and feel to her knees! She said a little nerve took her down. She is not a sit still person and she hasn't moved all afternoon. My purpose was grand, but mostly disguised as a foot warmer!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


My GrandMEM said a funny thing tonight. She was telling me about my Grandpa Willie and how he had gone to the high sierra's to get a fish. She said, "I prefer to go to Whole Foods. It's more convenient and there aren't any fricken mosquitoes there!"

Now I don't know why but it made me laugh.....

You I think she has something here. Sometimes you need to be a dog and do dog things. You need to fight, you need to bark, you need to play in the mud. And sometimes you just want someone to cut your nails for you!
So be patient and let us go all "dog" on you sometimes and still give us the good life. You want just the same. Funny sometimes there is no difference in us!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Canine Human

I am not sure if it is because I am a therapy dog or just because my human can't seem to go anywhere without me, but I do a lot of things you humans do. It has served to make me well adjusted and behave with integrity through numerous situations that might throw a less seasoned dog into turmoil. However today someone called me human.

I know they meant well but I have never been so insulted. Don't take that the wrong way, if I was human I would love to called human. But I am dog and there for prefer the term canine.

This is were so many pet vs. person relationships go bad. It is more then okay that you love me with all of your heart. It is perfect that you hug and play with me. I even like it when you introduce me as your "furry child." Baby talk as much as you want just understand, I am not you.

I am dog. I need direction. I need discipline. I need exercise. I need food. I need love. All the stuff you give are extra and icing on my cake. But if you want me to be a canine human, treat me like a well seasoned dog!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Today, I learned how to balance myself on the edge of the pool so I wouldn't fall in. I practiced my manners at lunch and didn't even notice the big beautiful yellow Labrador who was at the table next to me. I tore up a towel just so my GrandMEM would think she was playing with me, even though it is not in my character. So today's purpose?

Well today, I was me!

Some times that is all you need to do.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Stand in your own shoes

I wrote this ---l---o---n---g--- old blog and then hit the delete button on purpose. Maybe it was just for the sake of writting and getting it out of my fur, I just don't know.

But now I don't know what to write about now.

My purpose was to look at myself and not others. I wrote about standing in someone else's shoes. But sometimes you have to check your words and the direction from which you approach a story. My blogs shouldn't result from someone else's negativities. Or from me taking anyone else's inventory. You need to be responsible for your own actions, even if your a dog. It's just sometimes it's hard not to judge someone else's tail!

So I deleted it and started over. Let's see something about, me...?....

Last night, I eat the cat food. (Yep me, I did that. I don't even know why? I never even go in there.) But, I did!.... It's so hard to say "I did it! I had a weak moment, it was me, I did it" when it is so much easier to say, "It was your fault for leaving it where I could get it." Today this is my purpose to stay inside me, to stay centered, to stay... a dog!

So later I will say what small thing I did today that was important for me. It would be nice to hear your comments on your accomplishment too. Never to small. We learn from each other. We learn from experience.

Remember it's is the simple things that are important not the beauty queens desire of world peace. Look for inner peace, the rest.... will follow.

Emma Zen

Friday, September 11, 2009

Nine - Eleven

****DISCLAIMER**** Any commentary made here is not meant to hurt or insult anyone, in any way, shape or form. I understand that I am choosing to make a comment on a very emotional subject. My views are that of a canine, which at all cost tries to be happy. Please understand that this blog is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be any direct statement of personal opinion of that of my human or anyone else, they are just dog thoughts. We that I leave you and begin my blog for today with a blessing: if you or anyone you know and love has been effective by 9-11 may you find a way through to your inner peace.****

My human was watching the news this morning. They were interviewing a man who said he felt it was his duty to "Remember" the fallen. That he didn't like holidays filled with BBQ's and parades. That memorials and memorial day was to give recognition to those that gave their lives. I understood him, simply he was correct.

The news media keep asking him somber questions almost like they were "trying" to find the horror in it all again. Saying things like "this is such a sad day, such an emotional day, such a sober day awful day" That I didn't get. Not that I don't understand (read above disclaimer) however just because someone chooses to remember a late person on memorial day, 9-11 or any other day of the year isn't necessarily a reason to still feel a victim.

Let me give you an example. Okay so say you know a dog and then you don't see him for a long time but someone brings your clothes in for the dog to sniff and they get all excited just by the smell. (That's memory) Or how about the number of times they took me over to Granny's house and then Granny moves but I visit their 6 months later and I get all goofy and over wag my tail looking for her. (That to is my memory.)

See dogs remember and typically speaking we are happy, excited. I know there are those exceptions where 2 dogs have been together for a long period of time and then one passes away and the other is miserable the rest of his life. But those are the few in the ground and we refer to them as sad and lonely or neurotic or some other not so pleasant word.

I just want people to heal with pride, to remember the brave and remember the more then few who did so needlessly lose their lives.

So in order to help us all heal and get our own tails wagging. Remember. Remember the smiles, the spirit or how you were touched by an individual while they were hear on this earth. Remember how people who didn't know people all pulled for each other. Remember the patriotism and how infectious it was. Remember the glory that came out of tragedy. Remember the good.

Each of us are still blessed to be under the protection of the United States of America.

Emma Zen

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Therapy What?

I am sure you humans have had these kinds of days before, I know my human is having one today. Ever feel like your chasing your tail? Yesterday was suppose to be all about me, turned out to be all about my friends. Today was suppose to be all about them, as I went to a local convalescent hospital to do some therapy and it turned out to be all about me. In a selfish sort of way, you see it was so hot today all I could do was lay on the nice cold tiled floor. It's a good thing humans enjoy being in the presence of an animal, even a lazy one. So what the heck will tomorrow bring?

Oh I see.... I just noticed the problem. Why the heck to I want to know about tomorrow, when right now it is today?!. I have been hanging around you humans so much I am starting to think like one. (Goodness save me) My dog head in one moment different from the one it is. Doesn't matter if it is in the past or the future anything "not now" is not going to work. I have been chasing my tail.

Well enough of that. Lets all say it together, enough of that. Take some advice given to me today by one of my fellow therapy pets Mother: Just Be!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Made them smile.

Were to start? Today was "It's all about me day" so let me tell
you what I did. This morning my friends Denise & Haiku came
over to visit. And I did 2 things. First I gave Denise the chance
to be away from work for a while, she got "a break". She seamed
so happy to just be with us dogs. Then my friend Haiku, well even
though I refer to him as the second thing I did today. I think we
did more for him then anyone.

He learned to behave in a car with another dog. (That was me.)
He learned how to jump the fence! (That is so much fun.)
He learned how to confront his fears. (The statue is sort of weird)
And he learned how to eat off a tortoise! (That's Daisy)

He had a day he need too. I love that I could
be there for my friends. It makes me happy!

Then we went to Anaheim Feed & Pet Supply, the worlds greatest pet store. Mom can get everything she wants or needs and I get to wonder around and sniff everything. And all the employees know your name! They say "Hi Emma" My favorite person was there Harrison and I gave him a huge kiss. (He said he needed that.) and then his baby "DUFFY" was their too. He is so so cute and tiny and he doesn't shake at all. He is very comfortable but he is a little shy about big dogs. So I laid on my side and let him crawl all over me! His dad said he needed that lesson.
Then my "boyfriend" Jake came
over. (He is SO handsome.) and
Jake needed to cool off so we
played around in my pool. We got
really dirty and had to take baths.
Jake's dad had errands to do so he
was so happy that he could stay
over at my house with me.
So, that is what I did today. I helped Denise. I helped Haiku. I helped Harrison. I helped Duffy. I helped Jake. I helped Jake's dad.
Isn't that funny. Today was suppose to be all about me and spend it helping others. No wonder I turned into a therapy dog, seams to be in my nature. But it is also a lesson. When it truly is all about you, it is generally about someone else. Try it and see how good you feel.
Emma Zen

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's all about me!

I bet I mean something different then what you all think. But tomorrow it is all about ME!

You see today Mom was busy ALL day. She cleaned the house, she water the yard, she uncovered the furniture on the patio, she pulled weeds, she did laundry, she washed the car, she washed me, she went to the market. She was so so busy.

And I was patient. I guess that is what my purpose was today. To be patient. And Good things come to those that wait. For tomorrow it is all about me day!

She said we can go out to breakfast and I can take a dog friend! We can go on a hike? Or a swim? Or the dog park? Or anything I want to do tomorrow.

So it may be all about me (tomorrow) Today it was all about her (or her chores) but either way the lesson is, it is all about Balance!

Feeling Good!

Monday, September 7, 2009


I have discovered the secret to a happy dogs, and people. All their relationships are harmonious.
I your relationship with someone you are with everyday or someone you only see once a year has strain in it. Try asking yourself, "No matter who I feel like blaming for what, what can I do to improve this situation" You will find that if you act on a little improvement on yourself. That your relationship too well become more harmonious.
I read once that if you create harmony in yourself, minds and hearts, you will find it in your life. And the inner creates the outer, always!
So today there was someone I didn't like but I stood next to her and was peaceful inside myself. The situation was less tense and the dog went away without incident. It was better then the last time we met.
So, how do you create harmony in dogs? Redirect us! Don't let us sit there and stare. Or obese on what someone else is doing. Maybe walk me the other way, help me learn to relax. You could be prepared and take things I like to give me something else to do. You could try discipline, something like a gentle stiff tug, to shake my mind up. But your efforts help me.
What works for you people can work for us too. Harmonious Dog! That is my new goal. What is yours?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dreamweaver CS4

This is me and my sister Sam hanging out in the office this afternoon. It's a good thing Dad was outside so we had something to do until 2 pm. Because Mom, she is obsessed. She got some new software program and she can't run it and it is driving her crazy. This is where her and I differ, it may be where dog and human differs? See I have tried and given up, I have tried and then tried wrong, but the trying and trying and trying thing. Well, that just isn't very dog, or at least not very dog in nature. Don't get me wrong for some of us that is exactly what you have to do to get us to learn a new trick but boy if you stop so certainly are we... If it is that hard to achieve go do something else.

But my human, she is not like that. Even through her struggles she assumes she is going to learn some lesson. Though if you ask her half the time I am not sure she knows what they are. So I lay. And that was my lesson today. I lay. I lay in observe as she smashes the keyboard and wrings the mouse. (Sam's favorite part) I lay and give her the opportunity to play.

She does the same for me every time I am off doing my thing.

One thing I have noticed in my few short years is that many of her new adventures have lead to something. Some new doors open to new friends, new opportunities, new finances. You never know what kind of turn a road will bring.

A little Patience's and persistent and Dream Weaver turns into a pool dip at the local hotel! (okay so I heard their was some class going on at the Sheridan, but still you get my idea.)

Never under estimate your troubles, closed doors or your human!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Speak My Language

Today I went to Home Depot and I was so confused by what I saw in the parking lot.

Have you ever been in the store and you hear someone yelling at their children and you have to use everything you have not to step in a teach someone else what not to do to their children? Well, I understand. I felt like that today. See there was this woman in the parking lot and she was yelling at her DOG! I was in a state of disbelief. I could not believe what I saw! She was YELLING and saying full sentences and was all out of control. And my poor kind... he was just standing there looking at her with the dumbfounded expression. (Which I understood) and all it did was make her mad.

Mom and I both wanted to jump in but you know how those things escalate. So we went inside and when we came out the people were gone but we saw the car parked over by Jack in the Box so, figuring they were inside, we left a note on the window that simple said, "Dog is Good" (We have that sticker on our truck)

I guess the moral of my story or the lesson I wanted to share with you humans is, speak my language. I mean seriously, I wasn't there 3 minutes earlier and I don't know who was wrong, the dog, the person or both. But I do know that dog did not understand a things she said.

First of all I do not understand sentences. Tell me to "sit" "stay" or "stop" but don't give me some human explanation and expect me to understand.

Second, remember it is consistency. If you didn't teach it to me before and then again last week and then again yesterday don't expect me to remember it from 6 months ago. I need consistency in my life.

Third, Don't yell at me! How would you like it if I barked in your face everyday? I can understand you better when you use a normal intensity.

Fourth, I understand pitch and tone so learn to change your tone "Good Dog" "Bad" "No" I am much more alert to tone then I am to loudness.

Five, If you are having such a bad day. Leave me at home, I don't need that kind of energy! :-)

I feel I should have said more there but maybe it will do more good here? I love you but I am dog and I will do things my way that will not fit into your world. We need to work together. I see so many people treating us like people, If you find a canine that needs help he can do better too. Just Speak His Language!

Emma Zen

Friday, September 4, 2009

The more I learn

There is this old human saying, the more you learn the less you know. I didn't think it applied to dogs.
See Mom makes me work on my commands ALL the time. (Slave driver) Don't tell her I said that. And I thought I was doing SO good! In fact, I got so good I could do them all on my own. And in different orders. I am sure you have had a dog like that before were you say "sit" and your canine sits, shakes, speaks and down all in a row without waiting for any commands. Well, some days that is me. Mom DOES NOT think it is funny and then makes me learn new tricks and mixes it all up. Learning she says is not doing the same thing time and time again until you have it mastered but stretching and expanding yourself to boarders beyond your comfort zone.

So I learn and the more I learn the more I have to concentrate on what I am doing. The more I learn the more effort it takes. The more I learn the harder it gets. Wouldn't you think it would be the other way around?

Humans also say, "The more I learn the less I know and all I can hope for is to be really good at least one thing" So remember when we, the decent of wolves, fall off our program or your program you make us do that there are times and days and moments when in stead of excelling at many we just resort to the one area we have down pat. For a dog, it is to make you smile!"

Be patient maybe we just needed a break!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blue Shoe's

My human once read this book called "The number one lady's detective agency" by Alexander McCall Smith. One of the *many* passages that stuck with her was the story of the Blue Shoes. The book was about Mma Ramotswe and her adventures as a dective. Many of her escapades happend within the offices of the dectective agency with her secretary Mma Makutsi. Mma Makutsi cared about just a handful of things. She cared about her statistical standing when she graduated from school, she cared about her brother who was ill, she cared about proper office organization and she cared, about... shoes!
Now in Gaborone, capital of Botswana, times were different. Poverty seamed to be the norm and wealth was measured in land or cattle. There was very little time or purpose for extravegant purchases. Mma Makustsi did a lot of talking about the day that she would be able to buy a new pair of shoes, enough that it drove Mma Ramotswe to her witts ends.
One day while on a very important cases Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi were walking in the town pretending to window shop when Mma Makutsi got stopped by a pair of new blue shoes in the window. Mma Ramotswe had no time for this stop, she had no patiences, she had no interest, she had.... Mma Ramotswe after a few sharp words left Mma Makutsi standing there admiring the blue shoes and she continued down the street. The case took some other turn in the book and Mma was left with nothing to do but watch her business associate stand there and admire the shoes.
It was then that it dawned on her. It was this part that my human thought interesting. Everyone has their own "blue shoe" their own thing to admire, their on thing to show deep appreaciation for.
So she headed back to the window and stood their with her friend. For it was Mma Ramotswe's place to be in the moment it was Mma Makutsi's place to be in the moment. It made it easier, understandable that she did not have to admire the shoe, she meerly need to recognize that Mma Makutsi did!

It is that chapter that my human frequently remembers. And whenever she gets irritated with her friends or family gaking over something she just says "blue shoe" "blue shoe". And it reminds her to be patient when others have their moment as so many are patient with her. She gives me my moments too.

For example, today my Mom went to a tatto supply shop to get stuff for work. She is a cosmetic and medical tattooist. And I couldn't go. :-) It is her thing, her blue shoe, she loves it there and she thougth of me while she was gone and brought be home a funny t-shirt. (Check out my twitter or facebook for that picture!) but I didn't go and as much as I appreacaited the shirt well it's not dog park. And she understands this for today after the tattoo shop she came home and picked me up and we went to the feed store! Anaheim Grain and Feed, I love this store! They have dogs go there all the time and it smells so good! And the people are friendly and all know my name! And you get treats and you get to go in the back and sniff stuff! It is my Blue Shoe!

She didn't need to buy anything and she didn't need to go. But she understood I did. 30 minutes of not healing, just free range nose sniffing... It's a blue-tiful thing!

****Just because you take your dog everywhere with you or you come home with bones or treats in hands. Doesn't mean I got to do my thing. Please just file this as knowledge and whenever possible give your dog a blue shoe. No matter what it looks like.****

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wholly Cow

Today in the mail I recieved this correspondances. Now even Willie G. knows who I am!! For a Biker Dog, life just can't get any sweeter!!!

I love life

Ever have a day when nothing goes right and don't feel yourself? Or maybe a day where you are just SO bored your sure there is nothing good in the world? Well that is the kind of day I am having today. I am SO bored!!! My humans did take me to the sterio store but I was bored there too. And they did take me to El Pollo Loco but I was bored there too. And they did fill up my boring pool, but please.. I, am just.. bored.

Then I realize there were a couple of things I saw today that made me smile. I met a baby in stroller while we were having lunch. And the gardener came today and made everything smell good. And a stranger sat with me while my humans were purchasing stereo equipment.

And now I realize, even though my tribulations (and a bad case of lazy) I do perk up to something, LIFE... Babies, flowers, strangers. Three small seconds that made me glad to be. I wouldn't have wanted to miss those moments for anything. I am glad I got my head out of the gloomy cloud.

No matter what your day was like, find one thing. (Just one) and smile about that thing at the end of your day because no matter how any of us feel, we all succeed with a bigger smile if we just sit down and realize we love life!!!

(Don't be your own roadblock!)

Our 1st Book

Sometimes something is just so cool you just have to brag about yourself! My Biker Buddy George wrote a book! And it came in the mail today. It is just to cool. We started the Biker Dog Rally in South Dakota this year. It was so much fun. What to see a cute tail? (I mean tale...) visit

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Creating Happiness

Well this is a good day to start my daily blogging, September 1st, 2009, not that the date means anything to me I am a dog. Today all I did was go on some errands with my human. Yet even simple errands can turn out to have a lesson. I was just being myself, calm, friendly, understanding. And we were at the nail salon. (Yes, they let me in) and everyone was really into "telling me there stories" seamed a lot of people I met today needed the loving powers of a dog. We all have that you know. If you can concentrate on the good in you, through your experience in the day you can shape your own world. It's so cool. And if you are not feeling very "in touch" just take a deep breath and "BE A DOG." Your day WILL go better, even if it is already good!