Friday, September 4, 2009

The more I learn

There is this old human saying, the more you learn the less you know. I didn't think it applied to dogs.
See Mom makes me work on my commands ALL the time. (Slave driver) Don't tell her I said that. And I thought I was doing SO good! In fact, I got so good I could do them all on my own. And in different orders. I am sure you have had a dog like that before were you say "sit" and your canine sits, shakes, speaks and down all in a row without waiting for any commands. Well, some days that is me. Mom DOES NOT think it is funny and then makes me learn new tricks and mixes it all up. Learning she says is not doing the same thing time and time again until you have it mastered but stretching and expanding yourself to boarders beyond your comfort zone.

So I learn and the more I learn the more I have to concentrate on what I am doing. The more I learn the more effort it takes. The more I learn the harder it gets. Wouldn't you think it would be the other way around?

Humans also say, "The more I learn the less I know and all I can hope for is to be really good at least one thing" So remember when we, the decent of wolves, fall off our program or your program you make us do that there are times and days and moments when in stead of excelling at many we just resort to the one area we have down pat. For a dog, it is to make you smile!"

Be patient maybe we just needed a break!

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