Thursday, April 8, 2010

Use your own "I" sentences (appropriately)

I think I am special.

I have no trouble saying that line. I think I am special. All my canine friends can say the same line too! Yet, I have never seen a dog with it nose in the air. I have seen a dog point is sniffer upwards but it's not the same thing.

So why is it? That I, the common dog think I am so extraordinary, yet remain so humble? What's the trick to that one? Answer that question and your human race would be so much happier and healthier.

I think it is because when we use the world, "I" we mean "I". We stand only on our own merit and do not judge ourselves against others.

Let me give you an example. I have a friend who can bark so much better than I. I hope one day she makes a CD. I have a friend who can run so much faster than I. I Love to watch him burn up the dog park. I have a friend who rides a motorcycle just the same as I. I love his ears in the wind they are so much more Basset then my own. I have a friend who has been a therapy dog longer than I. I admire the lessons he teaches.

See, dogs we just are who we are in comparison to no other dog. The only ones trying to make us out do each other are you humans. Please, learn to be proud of yourself!

I am a dog who is good at being in the wind and making others smile.

Emma Zen

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