Sunday, February 28, 2010


So is it kind of weird for me to wrap my tail around it, but my human is trade marking a couple of titles for me. To use some day in the future on printed publications and products.

I know that is what runs your world and yes, benefits mine with all the custom collars, grain free products and special toys. But why me? And why Mom? She doesn't need an extra job and I am really not that type. My human has never been fooled by the fancy dressing, the beautiful store front or the extended premiere article. She understands that somewhere down the road it is a business, it is for profit. So why is she doing this? So I asked her.

She said, "It is so I can remember you. It is so I can always be on the right track. It is so they can remember you. It is so their smiles can maintain." She said, "You have brought health, balance and wealth into my life and for that I am ever grateful." "And when your time has come to pass, may the essences of your touch live on, the way we feel when you touch us here today. So that this may happen, I take these steps."

And with that I understood how a dog crossed over to commerce without the milestone of financial gain but all the heart of sharing.


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