Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Mother is like Me

My Mom. (That is a sentence in itself but to continue.) My Mom is so.... dog! Yesterday she was talking a mile a minute (LOL I know you are all picturing that one already.) to a neighbor of ours that I go walking with. When in the middle of her sentence she looks over the neighbors shoulders and says "LIZARD" and then goes right back to her story, never skipping a beat!

I barked right out loud!!!!!! BOL

True Story by Emma Zen

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I am really not a dog!

I have had maybe ? seven days in my whole life where I had nothing to do. Where my humans where not home or available to meet my every need. Maybe ? seven days in my whole life. One time Mom was in the hospital for 5 days but Dad came home twice a day to see me. And I think once they left me here alone all day I don't remember why. Then there was today... I don't know what was going on but Mom had stuff EVERYWHERE and she looked well... sort of panicked and she stepped over me a few times! OVER ME! ME! What the ? and then she shot out of here like her hair was on fire. Dad didn't come home for three hour! It was a weird day. It was a day where I wasn't the center of every moments attention. It was a day where I was alone. It was the type of day you would experience if you were a ? ... canine!?

Like I said I have maybe ? only had seven days in my whole life where I had nothing to do and all I have to say is, "I am glad I am really not a dog." :-)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Use my name

Using someones name gives them a sense of self.
Using someones name gives recognition and acknowledgement.
Using someones name takes "ownership" out of the equation.
Using someones name gives worth.
Using someones name gives equality to each.

I am not "the" dog. I am Emma Zen!

(Side note: This works with humans too!)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

She taught me that too.

I found Mom's new writing table. It wasn't hidden. It's didn't say "don't read". It was just sitting there in the open. So I picked it up and read some. Now I am positive that putting it on the Internet is not my permission to do. However I found it lovely and something maybe the other humans on this site would relate too. So when she gets mad at me, I would appreciate it if someone has my back.... Emma Zen

And she wrote:

Being a woman who was brought up on a horse, I would have never guessed that my Black Beauty would turn out to be a Labrador. But that is exactly how this story goes. By the time I began this tale she was already three years old. She already had a name for herself. A bit of a local celebrity. A Shelter Survivor turn Therapy Dog. A model, a role model, a fundraiser and a most cherished Biker Dog. Her presence spanned the covers of newspapers, calendars, books, magazines, social portals and web address. If you doubt her standings, someday just "Google" Emma Zen.

She is my everything!

From this creature I have learned more than those before her have tried to teach me.

With this dog by my side I have been able to accomplish that which I use to just dream.

For the love of a dog how many can relate? Oh the answers of live that lie between our relationship, I see you.. :-)

This clarity gave me the opportunity to become me. It gave me a reason to concentrate on someone other than myself, and who emerged was... me! :-)

Such a momentous finding to be credited to a dog!

No wonder some societies worship them. I am not saying that I think my Dog is God, however she is the closest to Heaven I have even been to here on Earth. :-)

My life thus far has been grand!! I have had fortune and heavy baggage. I have seen success and tasted failures. I have loved and I have lost. I have stood atop a mountain and laid rock bottom. We all have. I have learned to be and have stopped trying to be. And yes, she taught me that too.

Anyhow building yourself and your life or your standing up is a lot of work, and can leave you with a hole inside that isn't pretty. Standing in the shallow with your hair combed, you can feel pretty good. (I have no idea why I just said that.) But yes, this too she taught me.

Oh I could write a book! (LOL) Giving each chapter of our lives a title and drawing out a picture in words. It would be fabulous. I believe so many would connect.

But why does it need to be our story? why does it need to be about us? Everyone has a story. And yours is just as important to you as mine is to me.

so I decide to stop talking, I decided to listen. She taught me that too. I leave the rest of this notebook empty, giving the next person a place to record your personal novel. So much of the life I have with my dog is documented and the feelings I have I get to acknowledge to myself. I hope you May do the same with the pages that are left.

I am in love with my dog, my everything, my Black Beauty. And that is exactly how my story goes.

Debra Jo Chiapuzio

(Then she drew a tiny picture of me.)